Monday, June 21, 2010

Stung by a Wasp

I was stung by a wasp on my right arm yesterday while I was sitting outside a bar with a friend. My head went buzzing and it felt like someone was constantly drilling through my hand. The bartender was kind enough to give me some ice and an antiseptic tissue. I did all I could by compressing and getting the poison out, but did not help much. My initial scare was....damn it.....I might get fever tonight (I remember, last time a bee stung me in Kanpur, I had fever that night). I could not sleep all night, because every time I rolled over my right arm, I woke up with excruciating pain :-(
Decide this morning, I have to see a doctor. My right arm was swollen, red and stiff (definitely not a condition I would want to drive, so I decided to take a bus ride to school). Fortunately, the lady at health services was able to provide an immediate walk in appointment. My doctor was CHINESE... :-D . He was about 60, and seemed a very friendly person and spoke with a typical Chinese accent (recall: chopping vegetables as Russel Peters put it).

Here is a classic example of how people make lame, unnecessary conversation here in the US.

Doc: Good morning, I am Dr. Lee.
Me: Hi [my greeting was short, because (believe me on this), I was thinking of Bruce Lee when I heard the doc's name, and chuckled at my own silly thought]
Doc: How are you doing today?
Me: Not too good! [what a stupid question to ask! why would I have come here, if I was feeling good...duh!]
Doc: You seem to be breathing well and talking well too. Thats good. Where did the wasp sting you?
Me: Here [showing him my forearm]
Doc: How do you know that was a wasp?
Me: Because it had black and yellow stripes.
Doc: Why did it bite you on the arm?
Me: [totally frustrated now] I did not get a chance to ask the wasp.
Doc: It could have bit you somewhere else.
Me: [keeping silent for a moment , and almost begging the doctor for some medication] I am in pain.
Doc: So you study Physics ?
Me: Yeah [again puzzled, whats wrong with this doctor? And, how on earth does he know what I study?]
Doc: Are you doing your PhD here?
Me: [frustrated] Yes.
Doc: Where did you do your masters?
Me: India, IIT [wondering if he would know about IIT].
Doc: IIT! which one?
Me: [feeling good that he knew IIT] Chennai.
Doc: I have friends from IIT.
Me: [wow] Thats nice to know. We have strong alumni [feeling proud within].
Doc: [out of the blue] Why do you have a beard? You do not look your age with the beard!
Me: Umm, have been too lazy to shave [having no clue how to answer that]
Doc: You will be fine in 40 hours.
Me: Any medicines ? [actually shouting in my head, "Give me some fucking pain killers or something"]
Doc: Here is an ointment.
Me: Okay [just an ointment!]
Doc: [handing me back the insurance papers] Submit this at the front desk.
Me: Thank you [out of reflex, no feeling of gratitude what so ever. Just an ointment! I can barely move my arm].
Doc: Have a good one.
Me: You too ['good one!' what good one, or who good one, or which good one....ugh.....still need to get a hang of the American way of speaking].

Disappointment of the day- The ointment I was prescribed was the equivalent of 'Boroline' we get back in India (and I spent $5 on that).
Realization of the day- The system here in US, identifies you by some numbers, and allows anyone to extract information about you (from the doc knowing what I study).
Feeling right now- My arm still hurts, and I have typed all this with my left hand.


  1. it's indeed frustrating ...but I njoyed ur story :P

    I was fortunate(unfortunate !!)enough once that I met your bruce lee once and had :))

  2. hahahahaha ..omg..dat was hilarious! hope u get better.. soon.. i know how it hurts

  3. just read!
    one quick comment is - 'some pain r good for creativity'!
    sorry, not one to make fun on u, but the system that makes fun on us... :)
    ask ur lee - when next u will meet! /*so that again we can get a good write-up out of a pain... :D */
    keep posting!
    take care -

  4. @cancer biology- thank you, but I am afraid I cannot recognize you :|

  5. It reminds me the fact what I found in CNBC .
    It was a conversation about the crisis of US economy and one of the experts commented, "US SELLS ONLY PROMISE NOTHING ELSE"....he he... have a good day...

  6. great post.. enjoyed it thoroughly... The conversation b/w u n the doc was really gripping... the kind where the reader wants 2 know " What happens next?"
    a blog by the true sense of the word .

  7. Lovely.........can't believe it really advice next time you are stung by a bee or wasp take a cetirizine. its an OTC..u can get it at a pharmacy without a prescription. Then you won't get fever or swelling. Did u tell me u were stung???i would have advised then and there!!!
